Tuesday, November 29, 2011

25 Day Project

I’ve attempted a 365 day photo project (where you take a photo a day for a year)… I think I made it to April (which is pretty good for me).

Anyway… over on pinterest (if you haven’t checked this site out yet… OH BE STILL MY HEART). It’s like having ALL your favorite lifestyle, homemaking, etc magazines, websites all in one place.  So fun!  You set up bulletin boards of your ‘favorite things’ by category.  I set up some for color the other day… for example, this is my ‘pink swoon’ board… such sweet bliss!

So I was on pinterest, and came across the 25 days of Christmas photo challenge… so for the first 25 days of December I’ll follow these guidelines, and post a photo here & on my FB page… Join  me if you want & upload your photo to my FB page… all 25 days, or just a few.

1. Something Red 
2. A list
3. The Christmas tree
4. Presents wrapped under the tree
5. Something warm and tasty
6. A candy cane (or many)
7. A wreath with a red bow
8. Stamped and addressed Christmas cards
9. Santa Claus
10. Away in a manger
11. Ribbons and bows
12. Something sticky
13. Reindeer
14. A decked hall
15. Silver bells
16. A hippopotamus
17. Under the mistletoe
18. A cup of cheer
19. Toys in every store
20. A winter wonderland
21. Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow
22. Holiday greetings
23. A shining star
24. Children, sleeping
25. The number “25”

On another note I had my first mini-session for Christmas this past weekend, and loved it!  More mini-sessions this weekend contact me for a slot!
