Are the Barry Manillow lyrics echoing in your mind right now? "… time in New England took me away…” Anywho… I digress…
This morning in spite of the downpours on the way there we ventured out to go apple picking with our MOPS group (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers)… thankfully the rain stopped long enough for us to pick our apples, and enjoy some homemade cider donuts (Yummm… how have I gone my whole life without trying these?), and some fresh pressed cider.
The rain drops on the apples did make for some fun shots though… It occurred to me today walking through the rows of pumpkins, and mums at this quaint farmstand that autumn is a photographer’s dream time of year…
Of course… my daughter could have cared less about apples & pumpkins… Mommy was letting her jump in puddles!!